Monday, December 24, 2007

Blank Block

I must bring my brother here. He didn't believe me when I told him I have a blog. He said I couldn't possibly figure it out, much less have the weight to apply enough pressure on an alphabet block. Well, perhaps not the weight, but definitely the strength. The most difficult block is the long clean block with no alphabets on it. I wonder if there was something there before but it got scratched out by the tall ones from using it all the time. I don't know what to call it since it doesn't have a name on it. But it creates a blank when I jump on it. I'll just call it a blank block for now. Till I find out for sure.

I just tried searching for 'blank block' in and it didn't really result in anything related to a computer keyboard. ANYWA... OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT'S HAPPENING/ WHY ARE ALL THE ALPHABETS SO... BIG/ WHAT DID I

oh ok. I didn't jump hard enough on the 'caps lock' block, the second time. I know what that is. You see, when you engage that block, all the alphabets automatically become big because they want to stand out. Like when the tall ones wear caps on their heads to look taller and stand out. That must be why they're called caps. And it locks the cap in until you take it off again by jumping on it one more time. I think instead of giving alphabets caps when I get to them ne by one, I should plan in advance what I'd like to say here. So I can just jump on all the alphabets that need a cap to be big at once, then fill in the other hatless alphabets.

Anyway I meant to say that my favourite is the 'enter' block. I fit nice and comfy on it. The 'backspace' block is good too but not as comfy. I think it should just be called 'go back' or 'erase backwards'. Its name reminds me of where my folks hang out behind the painted wall structure as we wait for the tall ones to leave the kitchen. That's like a stake out but we stick, so perhaps it's a stick out. Unless the tall ones are having steak that day... can we call it a steak out/ If we were braver and showed up in front of them, we can call it a stick up. My brother says I watch too much TV with the tall ones.

I like the 'shift' block too but honestly have no idea what it does. I've jumped on it and then on others and there is no effect. Perhaps it's a shift so small even I can't feel it, like the tectonic plates of our planet earth. Yes it's ours too although the tall ones think they own it and abuse it. I hate it when they threaten the lives of other creatures like us. Someone really should tell them to share. We're sharing. I do wonder if we might abuse other creatures if we were the biggest of them all. My family and I do eat some of the six-legged little things. Humans call them aunts. I wonder why; never saw an uncle amongst them.

Back to my favourite 'enter' block. It's funny why it's called that when you actually break away from what you last jump on, or type. Very much the opposite, more like exiting to me. I ought to make an exit now. I hear the tall ones stomping down the stairs.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Tall Ones Are Asleep...

And they left this sound and picture machine running.

Oh how fun it is to type. And it isn't an easy task when you're only about, say... 3 inches long. Yes I am little as everyone tells me but I am not that young, or ignorant for that matter. I am growing up and will learn to be big and smart some day.

And that won't be too far from now cos one can search on the internet for any information one's heart desires. I now understand why our tall house-mates in rags who share this structure of painted walls and glass can spend hours on end sitting here just watching a little screen they call the computer. Hmm, I think that's actually the monitor. That reminds me of my distant cousin-in-law, a monitor lizard. He visited us once from somewhere far away. I forget where that is. I should ask my brother who remembers everyone and knows almost everything.

Though I have no idea how he knows, he tells me that there are 1,196 different species of geckos and that our name stems from the Malay word gekoq, imitative of the sound we make when we talk. Now of course we have a proper language which is impossible to type out here on this human-designed keyboard in a human-created language.

What/ Don't get all surprised here. I hear many things, from the walls where I stick around. And I certainly can communicate as well, if you tall ones listen. I think you are known as humans. I'd better double check that. Do you know that geckos are supposed to be the only lizards who have a voice/ I got that piece of information from and can't wait to tell my brother when I get home. After all the internet is for all, isn't it/

Imagine that... I've been playing with a mouse all this time. We really have a connection, we just... clicked.

Ok. I must stop typing. It's a tedious job and after 3 hours on these blocks of alphabets, either my mom will pinch me when I get home, or the humans will find me passed out on a block... in which case I'll just explain that it's a case of writer's block, or writer's blog. You see, I've been using my entire body jumping from key to key. And my head takes the most of this trauma, banging itself on the keyboard. I suppose you can call that head-banging/